47 Bagian Lengkap DewasaAttack On Titan AU/Fanfiction: In the year 845, humanity faced its darkest hour as the colossal titan, a new and deadly titan, had broken outer wall maria, the outer most wall of three. But it all took a turn for the worst when the armored titan, another new and deadly titan, had broken the inner wall maria, killing over thousands. In the year 850, five years after the initial attack, the colossal titan had struck again, however, a new hope was born that day as a cadet named Eren Jäeger emerged from a titan, revealing his power to transform into a titan. Using his newfound power, Eren sealed the hole in wall rose, preventing a repeat of five years before. Eren was thought to be the only person to have this power, but soon, humanity within the walls would be surprised to find that seven other's like him exist. But how would they feel when they find out a tenth exists?