Victim of Love is a work of the same name, a song of the decade from 2007 performed by singer-songwriter Tran Tam.
The story is set one night at a Container port about people who work too hard to make money for him.
Tam - is a gangster who is working hard to work as a porter for that ill-fated tycoon, and he will earn more money for his lover who has a vision problem. He often protects the people and his two friends were harmed because the boss and his subordinates harmed both of them, even he was harmed by him. He used to smoke cigarettes all night until his death was now gone.
Hang - Tam's lover, is a shy, beautiful girl who often cries because she cannot get light, which leads to blindness. She often went out to look at the boat that Tam showed her right there. Before Tam passed away forever, she cried because she lost her lover right after that.
Thinh - a servant of that tycoon and a friend of Hang and Tam. He usually goes out loading with Tam, but then he often steals money from his juniors and takes someone else's ring. In the end, the gangsters and even him were arrested by the police right after Tam's death, causing him and Hang pain because he had lost a friend, a senior to him.
تدور القصة حول قوة رابطة الإخوة وكيف يمكن للحب بينهم أن يكون طوق النجاة في أوقات الشدة.
عندما تواجه الأسرة حادثة كبيرة تغير حياتهم، تتحول العلاقات من حب وحنان إلى توتر وصراعات، وتُبرز القصة كيف يمكن للضغوط والأولويات أن تؤثر على النفوس وتُثقل القلوب دون أن يلاحظ أحد، وكيف يمكن أن يكون أقرب الناس إليك ابعدهم.
ورغم القسوة والخيبات التي تفرقهم مؤقتًا، تُظهر القصة كيف أن وجود من يحبك بجانبك يمكن أن ينتشلك من اليأس، وكيف يكون للأمل النصيب الأكبر في رحلة التعافي.
إنها قصة عن الألم، الكفاح، وإعادة بناء الجسور المهدمة بروح الحب والتسامح،
الغفران، وتحمل المسؤولية، مع إبراز مشاعر الحب والخذلان والصراع بين الماضي والحاضر.