In the sleepy town of Ravenwood, a group of goth, metalhead, and emo teenagers band together to explore the mysterious, often gruesome secrets of their town. As they uncover forbidden knowledge and discover shocking conspiracies, they must grapple with their own past traumas and fears, and ultimately face the dark forces that threaten to consume them all.
The group's first investigation takes them to the abandoned asylum on the edge of town, rumored to be haunted by the ghosts of tortured patients. As they explore the crumbling ruins, they discover a horrifying conspiracy involving the town's most prominent citizens - and a dangerous cult that will stop at nothing to protect its secrets.
When Jane Madarang's neighbor Natalie kills herself and leaves behind cryptic instructions, it's up to Jane and her classmates to unearth deadly secrets.
Natalie Driscoll is dead.
She threw herself out a window and left her neighbor Jane to unravel their town's darkest secrets. Following Natalie's instructions leads Jane to three other high school students who all have something to hide. The four of them must carry out Natalie's final errand while solving the mysteries written in her diary. But the secrets they unearth may be far more dangerous than what they ever imagined.
Content and/or trigger warning: This story contains scenes of suicide, violence and murder that may be triggering for some readers.
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