Wkabi is a rich border tribe businessman that marries Okoye cause of status. Attuma meets WKabi due to acting on the behalf of Namor to establish connections of trade with Wakanda. WKabi is just one of the first to meet him although Attuma prefers the way Okoye does business and her company. The two hit it off instantly whenever W'Kabi isn't around. Meetings would turn to small conversations between one another. Attuma would push for possible lunch dates with Okoye. When W'Kabi wasn't around, Okoye would always roll her eyes and remind him she has a husband. Attuma would always grin and say that he was a blind fool of a husband. "Attuma, I am married." "And what if your husband was no longer around then hm?" "Do not say things like that so loud!" Completely comfortable with one another and Okoye though she scoffs at Attuma's on going flirts she would still listen. Close moments of kisses that always seemed to be interrupted. "I know that he doesn't touch you. Why else would you stare at me with such hunger? As if I didn't notice." READ THE TAGS.All Rights Reserved