One Thousand and four years after The Dragonets Of Destiny was born, a little bit before Penumbras was born, A Comet crashed into Perception, the third moon, and caused it to fly into a different position of Orbit. Cursed by a wicked animus, it remained in place, not ever moving, and was often visible during the daytime. This became a problem, so the other three moons were enchanted. and because of the wicked animus, the third moon was full as Little pure-blooded Penumbras was born, named after the unusually dark Penumbral shadow on the moon of Imperial during a very recent lunar eclipse. Born on the twenty ninth day of the sixth month of the ninth year of the sixth-thousandth century, Penumbras was born under three full moons, Penumbras was Perfect in every way. Until the same animus that enchanted Perception enchanted him to kill anything he touches, IF he doesn't wear the diamond earring offered to him by the animus. As he is cast out of the tribe and spends the rest of his childhood in the scorpion den, Penumbras notices people all dying, with pure smiles and grins on their faces. Now it is his mission to gather the Lost Souls and stop a tunnel to Hell from sending more Killer Demons the very wrong way, and return the Lost Souls to their home of eternal punishment and torment. But can a twelve year old dragon and his friends really topple a spiritual army all by themselves?