In a year there are about one thousand students studying at Hogwarts. One thousand wondering souls that live and breathe just like you and I. One thousand souls that cry and laugh, love and loss. So what if one time there was a story in Hogwarts that isn't about Harry Potter, or his family, or friends. What if just once we could see how it felt to be one of the people who lived and suffered and lost because of Harry Potter. This is a story about young love. This is a story about a boy and a girl. This is a story about a Ravenclaw and a Gryffindor. This is a story that was never told, like all the other stories in Hogwarts. It's not unusual, it's not even a fairy tale. It's just a story, that happened once, to two people, in Hogwarts's corridors. So go on and read it. What could possibly happen? Copyrights Disclaimer: I do not own: 1. The World. 2. Any character but Bridget Van Loren and Gregory Montgomery. A. N. If you read this or about to do so, thank you so much. I tried my best and I can say it's not perfect but I don't think it's that bad either. I love it and it's mine. If you'd like to comment on it, sure, go on, comment what ever you wish. I love commenting on things and I won't stop anyone else from doing so as well. And if it seems weird that a complete story appeared from nowhere, I published everything at once. 13.4.23 - #8 - forthbook 8.7.23 - #36 - untoldAll Rights Reserved