consequence /ˈkɒnsɪkw(ə)ns/ noun plural noun: consequences 1. a result or effect, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant. •─ ─────── ─• Jasper didn't offer the other boy anything except a tight smile. He'd seen Achilles - walking down the corridors - sitting in the front seat of every class - and most importantly - Jasper had seen Achilles everytime he helped sneak his best friend back into his house. He'd seen Achilles standing in the shadows - staring blankly at everyone who dared to talk to him at his brother's funeral. His brother. Jasper's best friend. "You're here for community service - aren't you?" His face twisted into a genuinely curious - or rather a controlled mix of amusement and curiosity. "Reckon if my brother preferred community service over being dead?" •─ ─────── ─• Jasper is slowly learning the consequences aren't immediate - they're far from it. they come knocking at your door when you least except them, ready to choke you to death. In his case - these consequences look like the little brother of his dead best friend. the one he killed.All Rights Reserved