Seven had hardly any memories of before the facility, nothing but the face of a boy who looked like her and a name, "Suku-nii". She wanted to find this person, but she was stuck in this facility. No one who came in was ever able to leave unless they were an officer or white-coat. She was stuck in there with many other kids her age, but her only friends were One, a girl who could control electronics, Nine, a girl who could create ice, and her own twin, Six, a boy who could clone himself. Three children in the same situation as her. The condition in the facility was all Seven had ever known, but she knew it wasn't good. They weren't allowed to show emotion or make it known that they could think for themselves, and if they did, they'd be punished. They were only supposed to follow orders blindly. The other kids in the facility were unable to even feel emotions. Her, One, Nine, and Six were the only ones who had any capacity for emotions left. Seven wanted so badly to get out and see the outside world, but she couldn't. What the directors of the facility didn't account for was One being able to do more than just control electronics. Together they had to contact the outside and figure out how to escape this hell.
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
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