"The Last Sunset" is a story about a young girl named Aria who embarks on a journey to see the last sunset, in a world where the sun never sets. Leaving the safety of her city behind, Aria travels through various terrains, braving the elements and encountering all manner of creatures. Finally, after months of travel, she arrives at the edge of the world and watches in awe as the sun dips below the horizon, painting the sky in shades of orange, pink, and purple. As she watches the last sunset, Aria realizes that sometimes, the greatest adventures lie beyond the safety of what we know.
An Arranged Marriage with a spark of love!!
Two people tied in a pious bond of marriage by their family. Sounds boring?? Arrange Marriage?? Ohh, it is Arranged but..... with love!
Dive in to see the not so simple life of Ahmeds and Shahids....
This is my first story ever so there'll be mistakes but I tried my best!?
Thank you for giving my story a chance!!