Yes. Mcnewt sounds funny. That's because this is about a role play between me and my friend where we added some original characters into the story. Mckenzie is my oc. We were gunna call it newtzie but made the joke about how mcnewt sounds like a maccies burger so went with that. Mcnewt. I'm writing this for the sake of me being bored and to have all this in detail. But if you want to read it then sure : While Thomas was one tool. Mckenzie was another. Ava's. Of course she didn't want Thomas dead like her work partner Janson did. So she needed another voice... A way to keep Thomas alive. She needed. Mckenzie. A boy who was going to get disgarded by Janson. But the women thought she could save the boy. And the boy could help save the others. Of course she had no define reason to make sure he stayed alive. There wasn't anything she could do once she sent him up. Right? She found herself making a deal. With another boy she use to know... A boy who was ripped away from his brother and thrown into the scorch once he was announced useless to wckd. That boy was casey. Mckenzie's twin brother. Casey was merely a mune. But he lived in the scorch. He was taken in by jorje, ava still had cumunicational access to him. Using him, she found out more about the flare, she got personal information from the boy. All the boy asked in return was the safety of his brother.All Rights Reserved