"Be Wild, No, Wilder than Wild, Be poisonous and Beastly, as Beastly as Beasts and shoot your opponents to the end of the world, by all Otters, Adders and Vipers!"
Fabi Bau, The fastest Right winger or he used to be, When he was a Wild Guy, The wildest soccer team in the world, It wasn't until He moved, marked as a traitor by his best friend Leon, After hearing news that the Wild guys have dispensed after losing against a national team, he knew that it was time, time to take revenge on the Wild Guys for good.
(I got bored and i'm currently hyperfiaxted on The Wild Guys so i decided to write about the 3rd movie but from Fabi's perspective, keep in mind i don't speak German so when i am doing scenes from the movie, they may not translate well to English.)
#1 in Fabi