In a world where opposites collide, the infamous Cane Sam Lee is known for being calm, talkative, simple, and energetic. On the other hand, Marionne Keith Shikichi is annoying, intimidating, harsh, and arrogant. Despite their stark differences, fate intervenes as cupid decides to play a mischievous game called "LOVE."
Marionne finds herself secretly drawn to Cane from the moment he catches her eye. Enthralled by her amber eyes, brown dyed hair, heart-shaped red lips, and captivating scent, he embarks on a quest to uncover her identity. Little does he know, she is closer than he thinks, even turning out to be his classmate. To complicate matters further, Cane's best friend, France Nicole LaCroix, happens to be a devoted fangirl of Marionne.
As the tangled web of emotions unfolds, questions arise. Is there a chance for Marionne to win the affection of Cane? How will France react when she discovers that the man she admires harbors feelings for her friend, and worse, her best friend? Will their friendship crumble over one man? And most importantly, is Marionne willing to fight for the girl who has captured his heart?