Bakules Kinjata is a young man living in Kamura Village, a peaceful community nestled in the heart of the mountains. From a young age, Bakules showed a natural affinity for hunting and combat, often spending his days exploring the rugged terrain around the village and testing his skills against the wild creatures that roamed the forests.
As Bakules grew older, his reputation as a skilled hunter began to spread, and soon he was being sought out by villagers from all around the region for his expertise in tracking and taking down dangerous monsters. Bakules became known as a hero to many, a champion of the people who would stop at nothing to defend his fellow villagers from harm.
But it wasn't until a new threat emerged that Bakules truly became a legend. A fearsome beast, known only as the Rampaging Narwa, began terrorizing the surrounding countryside, destroying crops and homes and leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. The villagers were at a loss, unsure of how to stop this monstrous creature from wreaking havoc on their way of life.
That's when Bakules stepped forward, taking up his bow and blade and vowing to put an end to the Narwas' reign of terror. It was a dangerous task, and many doubted whether even the great Bakules could succeed. But Bakules was undaunted, and he set out into the wilds, determined to track down and defeat the rampaging monster once and for all.
The battle that ensued was one for the ages, with Bakules using all of his skill and cunning to outwit the massive beast and bring it down. In the end, it was Bakules' courage and determination that won the day, and the Rampaging Narwa was defeated, never to threaten Kamura Village again.
For his heroism, Bakules was hailed as a legend, the Hero of the People and the Hero of Kamura Village. His name became synonymous with bravery and skill, and he inspired generations of hunters to follow in his footsteps and defend their communities against the dangers of the wild.
It's gonna be angsty bois. Sorry. Also told from Katsuki's pov, which is kind of new for me.
Also, no quirks!
We close our eyes, blind our pain
Nobody ever could explain
All the dead boys in our hometown
Katsuki Bakugou moved from his home town when he was ten.
He was ten when he moved, so he didn't exactly have anyway to keep in contact with his 'friends'. Eventually they all just seemed to fade into an empty memory. Except for one boy.
He couldn't quite remember his name, but he remembered his unruly green hair and obnoxious freckles.
Katsuki had no clue why this boy in particular stood out to him, but he was determined to find him again and get to the bottom of it.
Now that he was seventeen and moving back to that same little town he grew up in, he can actually seek out the boy.
But the boy doesn't seem to want to be found, at least not by Katsuki. Every time the blond thinks he's about to catch him, the boy slips through his grasp.
With Katsuki's nonstop searching... will he like what he finds?
******Trigger Warnings******
Heavy bullying
Mentions of self harm
Mentions of suicide
I think that's it but if anything else comes up I'll add to the list. There will also be warnings at the top of chapters that contain triggers.