In this captivating novel, we follow the story of Sarah, a talented and driven drag racing photographer, and Tommy, a daring and successful drag racer. From the moment they meet at the track, their passion for cars and the sport they love sparks a deep connection that draws them together.
As Sarah travels the country, capturing the high-speed action of the racing world through her camera lens, she and Tommy grow closer, discovering a shared love for adventure and a drive to succeed. Their relationship is not without its challenges, however, as they navigate the demands of their careers and the distance between them they overcome those obstacles.
Despite these obstacles, Sarah and Tommy find themselves falling deeper in love and building a life together that revolves around their shared passion for cars and racing. With vivid descriptions of the sights, sounds, and thrills of the racing world, this novel captures the excitement and adrenaline of drag racing, while also exploring the complex emotions and relationships that can develop when two people with a shared passion come together.
As they face the ups and downs of their journey together, Sarah and Tommy discover that their connection is about much more than just the racing. It is a bond that will carry them through the challenges of life and inspire them to pursue their dreams, both on and off the track. This is a story about love, courage, and the power of following your heart
Millie Ripley has only ever known one player next door. Luke Dawson. But with only a couple months left before he graduates and a blackmailer on the loose, will their love story stand the test of time? And will they both need to grow up to face the truth?