The story follows the lives of two brothers, Muichirou and Yuichirou, as they fall in love with the same girl, Yumi. Muichirou becomes a yandere, consumed by his love for Yumi and willing to do anything to keep her by his side. Meanwhile, Yuichirou becomes a tsundere, hiding his true feelings for Yumi behind a facade of coldness and indifference. As the story unfolds, the brothers' love for Yumi turns into an obsession, and their actions become increasingly dangerous. Yumi becomes caught in the middle of their rivalry, and she must navigate their conflicting emotions while trying to stay safe. The story explores the dark side of love, showing how jealousy, possessiveness, and obsession can lead to destructive behavior. But it also shows that it's possible to overcome those feelings, to seek help and make amends for past mistakes.
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