20 Bölüm Tamamlanmış Hikaye YetişkinElaenys Targaryen, the fierce and beautiful daughter of Daemon Targaryen, was legitimized by King Viserys Targaryen on her second nameday. Sharing many of her father's traits, Elaenys grew up on the rugged shores of Dragonstone, honing her strength and spirit. Now, at seventeen, she arrives at the Red Keep, unaware of the plans that await her.
As her carriage comes to a stop inside the Keep, Elaenys is flooded with memories of her childhood, particularly the times spent with her cousin, Aemond Targaryen. They had been inseparable as children, their bond forged in shared adventures and mischief. But now, they were no longer children; they were young adults, and the world around them had changed.