Title: Rise Above the Clouds in My Hero Academia
Genre: Action, Drama, a slice of life, daily challenges, friends to more than friends:)
hawks x o/c
Main Characters: My o/c: Haru, a talented and intelligent third-year student at UA Academy with the ability to control gravity and atoms; and Hawks, the number two hero, as Haru's mentor.
Description: Haru has always been a promising hero-in-training, with her unique quirk and strategic mind making her a standout. Her chance comes when she catches the eye of the number two hero, Hawks, during the UA Sports Festival. Impressed by her skills and determination, Hawks offers to take her on as his trainee.
Author's Note:
Hello, everyone! This is my first attempt at writing a book and fanfiction of My Hero Academia. I have been a fan of the series for a long time, and I wanted to create a story that combines the elements of slice of life, drama, and action genres.
I hope you will enjoy reading "Rise Above the Clouds," and I would love to hear your feedback and thoughts about the story. Thank you for giving my book a chance, and I hope you will love the characters and their journey as much as I do!
Copyright Note: All My Hero Academia characters belong to their respective owner. The storyline and original character and book cover in this work of fiction are created solely by the author.
"You're different from what I expected," she said softly.
"How so?" he asked, glancing at her.
"I don't know," she replied, searching for the right words. "You just... have this way of making people feel like they matter. Even here, in this... nightmare."
He was quiet for a moment before responding. "You matter, Y/n. Don't forget that."
Y/n wakes up in the deadly Squid Game, surrounded by strangers and fighting to survive. What she doesn't know is that the mysterious Frontman is watching her every move through the cameras- and she's caught his attention.