( This takes place when Twilight and Spike was still in Canterlot) In the world of Equestria, there was peace and harmony until a threat called All For One, The Symbol Of Evil decided to cause havoc to Equestria, Princess Celestia had troubles beating him, but he learned her every trick, it would seem all hope was lost until a hero came to the rescue, and helped her, getting civilians to safety, and stopping All For One's rein of terror. People call him All Might, The Symbol Of Peace, Equestria's Guardian, and the world's Number 1 Hero. Twilight went to Ponyville to check on the decorations for the Summer Sun Celebration and to make friends ( refuses at first ), but Nightmare Moon returned, without noticing that (Y/N) AKA, All Might was in the building for Celestia to raise the sun.
What will happen to our protagonist, the symbol of peace?
Let's find out ladies and gentlemen.