Young adults Sumiko Miyagawa and Koji Kamiya face many hardships before becoming committed lovers. In high school, Sumiko attempted suicide, only to be stopped by her childhood rival, Koji Kamiya. The two have always competed, whether it was for better grades, main leads in school plays, or even the first to get to the cafeteria for lunch. The two were well-known in school for their acting skills, as well as the fact that they have attended the same schools together since primary school. Despite this, they have a soft spot for each other and often stick up for one another, having known each other for nearly their whole lives. Koji tends to playfully flirt with Sumiko, however she takes this as him playing with her feelings and trying to toy with her, having been warned that he is a no-good-playboy. But one day, an opportunity for them to play as main leads together in a movie, based off a book named "Destined to be With You" changes their lives forever.
Denki Kaminari and Kyoka Jirou have been close since high school ended. And Denki became her shoulder to cry on and physical distraction after a bad break-up. A year later, Kyoka needs to avoid her other friends setting her up with people all of he time, and Denki offers to help once again. Denki has his own reasons for joining forces though, mainly to have a brief bit of respite from other "no-strings-attached" relationships. Will these two be able to cope with nosy friends, exes, and their own demons, without scrambling lines between "just friends" and relationship?