Beautiful Revenant- What a time I spent discovering the potential of someone who was only good at wasting time. At first I was reaching out, but eventually I had to let go.
Hot Girl Winter- At a time that I had become so infatuated with a woman I was attracted to that I absolutely had to have her at all costs, even if it had costed me my life. I already had knowledge of her promiscuous nature, but I was so blinded and fully prepared to deal with whatever the consequences. Little did I know, I'd become more damaged psychologically than I had anticipated from this perpetual fling.
Generational Curse- This was at an interesting time when I was surrounded by nothing but docile minds, stuck in their continuous loops and routines. No one stuck out to me, but what did stick out was the fact that everyone was virtually indistinguishable. All following each other's flawed opinions and rhetoric, and giving hardly no attention to the anomalies of positively throughout those times. Til this day, I hold these same sentiments for such people, but I have learned to avoid these types and rather just see them as data only. You can learn much from the cursed.
Reminders- Probably one of the most flagrant and revealing relationships for myself that I've had the displeasure of dealing with. Despite all the trauma bonding that was prevalent throughout this time period, I had this person's entire persona so engulfed in my mind to the point that I had gone completely mad and almost lost myself fighting off this person's demons. I'm still surprised that this type of energy even exists within a person.
Man of War- There's something inside that's dark, that always been hidden away and at any given time could come out. And it has. The most powerful thing about it is the unpredictability of that energy and lengths I'll go to protect it. Good sense leaves me every time my passions are aroused, and some have even lost their lives opposing my will.
Most of this is sad, any TW will be at the start of them
I'm a 17 y/o just wanting to share some of my poetry with people other than my friends :]
(Also feel free to comment any tips and how I could improve on my writing!)