Eren Jaeger is a typical high school student who attends Wall Maria High School along with his twin sister Mikasa Jaeger and a close-knit group of friends. His friends include Reiner Braun, who is known for his athleticism and leadership skills; Bartholdt Hoover, a quiet and reserved student who is often lost in his thoughts; Annie Leonhart, a stoic and independent girl with a talent for martial arts; Jean Kirschtein, a confident and charismatic student who often takes charge in group situations; Marco Bodt, a kind and gentle soul who is always willing to help others; Conny Springer, a cheerful and optimistic student who loves to crack jokes; Sasha Braus, a food enthusiast with a big appetite; Christa Lenz, a sweet and caring girl who is always there to lend a helping hand; Ymir, a tough and rebellious student with a no-nonsense attitude; and Armin Arlelt, a brilliant and strategic thinker who often comes up with innovative solutions to problems.
Despite having a seemingly normal high school life, Eren harbors a secret: he is gay and has a crush on his friend Armin. Eren struggles with his feelings, unsure of how his friends and the people around him would react if they found out. He finds it difficult to express his true emotions, especially to his friends who are unaware of his sexuality.
Adding to the challenges of high school life, Eren and his friends have to deal with their homeroom teacher, Levi Ackerman, who is notorious for his strict and no-nonsense demeanor. Levi's tough exterior often intimidates the students, but deep down, he cares about their well-being and pushes them to reach their full potential.
I've only read the first Attack on Titan manga and I'm halfway through the anime also the description was written by my friend.
Elliot Jensen and Elliot Fintry have a lot in common. They share the same name, the same house, the same school, oh and they hate each other but, as they will quickly learn, there is a fine line between love and hate.