Anya Rivera a 24 year old, is a smart, amature
detective from Earth 319. She lived a quiet
life, occationally getting a little to invested in a case at
work but none-theless her life was incredibly uneventful. No dating life, barely any friends, and no wild card talent to get her any upper hand. Her family while decently wealthy wasn't close nor
supportive of her sleuthing nature. She had
nothing really going for her. That was until a wormhole ripped open in the sky and sucked her in. When she woke up. She found herself in hospital room, being called Jane Doe, feeling different, with a new power with-in her, in a new world where the unthinkable is just a normal Tuesday.
Barry Allen, who was dealing with: the aftermath of Thawne's attempt to go back to the future, Eddie and Ronnie's sacrifice for the city, the Black Hole destroying much of Central City -had decided to cut contact with the entirety of Team Flash, for their own safety. So other than then occasional text or conversation at CCPD he hadn't spoke to any of them.
While trying to rectify his past mistakes by rebuilding a city and apologizing to those affected by a Black Hole incident. He visits a woman named Anya, also known as Jane, who is in a coma. Barry spends his nights in her room, sharing his day and secrets with her, using this as a form of therapy. Despite Anya being unconscious and unaware, she becomes a significant part of Barry's healing process and one of his greatest friends.
What happens when Anya wakes up and discovers she now has the powers of Chronokenesis and teleportation. How will Barry and Anya react when they find out that their powers can work in tandem to create a symbiotic bond between speedsters and chronowitch. Will this new founded friendship evolve into a relationship? Or will they figure a way to keep a balance between the allure they feel towards each other caused by their powers.