Cory Spector and Valen Alarie are two completely opposite people. Yet, they start off as friends, as inseperable as two could be. However, living in a Hero vs Villains world, certain expectations are set upon Valen, who's parents are the founders of the Alarie Heros. Valen is taken away to study to become a Hero, and Cory is left behind right when he needs Valen the most.
With no one else to turn to, he finds a home with the Villains, and also finds out the hidden powers he's had all this time. The longer he spends with this group, the more disturbing the Alarie Heros seem to be.
Two years later, both 21, Valen and Cory meet again. However, Valen was sent to capture Vory, and does so, despite Cory's efforts to explain everything.
Cory, locked up in a cell, still tried to tell Valen about the Villains. Will he be able to convince Valen in time to stop what the Alarie Heros have planned for the world, or will everyone fall to forces they cannot compete against?