My English story - turn a recent event into a fable. I wrote mine on the Sydney Siege, that happened in Sydney, Australia, on the 15-16th of December, 2014. It is based on mice and a snake.
This was an English Project that was due on a Sunday (really?!) and I wrote it in about 30mins - 1 hour. I put it up for my friend, Lizzie, (shoutout to zzifzzil, check out her fable, it's WONDERFUL!) but it's here for you guys to read too! But anyway, ENJOY! xx
P.S. Happy Easter, Merry Christmas, Happy Halloween, Happy New Year, Happy Valentine's Day, Happy Mother's Day, Happy Father's Day, Happy Birthday, or whatever is the nearest holiday to you right now! At the moment it is the 3rd of March, 2015, though I wrote this story on the 1st, so it's not really near a holiday for me (unfortunately). I WANT SCHOOL TO BE OVER ALREADY!!!
Please comment, vote, or whatever you want to do, or just read it, or just something. Thanks! :) ily