Somewhere Past Greenville
15 Bagian Lengkap An unwarranted attack by an unprovoked neighboring country destroys Greenville. Three insane mental patients, Max, Jane, and Hong, find themselves narrowly escaping in the back of a beat-up truck with their caretaker Imya, headed for the unknown countryside. With nowhere to go, and no medicine left to stop their hallucinations, false beliefs, and homicidal tendencies, things begin to unravel in the back of the truck as the four drive on, somewhere past Greenville. As it becomes clear that Imya will not survive after sustaining serious injuries in their escape, Max, Jane, and Hong prepare themselves for an empty world where medicine and the long-gone doors of the mental facility can no longer help them escape from an every pressing enemy with unknown ambitions.
This is a surreal novel. A genre so underrated, that they don't even have it as a genre option.
(WARNING: The mature is there for gore, themes of death, and a few references of a character's past being sexually abused. Most mature things are left for the imagination, but I don't want anyone reporting me so... let's just tag it to make my life easy. But in all honesty, even if you're easily triggered you'll probably be ok.) Anyway, on that note, have fun! Lol