On the distant exoplanet of Copper 9, owned by the infamous JCJenson, a catastrophic mistake led to the annihilation of the human race. The planet's core exploded, triggering a brutal winter apocalypse that threatened all life on the planet. But amid the devastation, the Worker Drones, once mere machines, gained sentience and fought to survive.
However, JCJenson's response to their newfound autonomy was swift and deadly. He unleashed a group of terrifying vampire-like robots, known as the "Disassembly Drones," to hunt down and kill all of the Worker Drones. The Murder Drones built a macabre tower of corpses, leaving the few remaining Worker Drones to hide for their lives behind blast doors and under the frozen tundra.
Uzi, the daughter of Khan, who built the blast doors that now protect the Worker Drones, has made it her mission to take down the Murder Drones and bring peace to her planet. She dreams of gaining her father's respect and saving the Worker Drones from certain doom.
In her quest to find materials for her powerful Railgun, Uzi stumbles upon a peculiar group of Murder Drones, unlike any she's seen before. Will they help her in her mission, or will they prove to be a hindrance in her already treacherous journey? One thing is certain: danger lurks around every corner on Copper 9, and Uzi will have to be smart, resourceful, and fiercely determined to succeed.
Disclaimer: A huge thanks to SecurityPuppeteer for helping me create this book cover. Most of this story is based on SecurityPuppeteer's book, make sure to check it out!
WARNING: Mature language (Most in German)