The story follows Kazuraba Yuuya, who is known as the Over Lord of Chaos and also the new Kamen Rider Gaim. He came to Earth in a new dimension when his father and mother both wanted him to better understand humanity in that world. When Yuuya arrived in that world, he made some new friends and had to confront a deadly alien race known as the Noise. However, Yuuya is not alone, on his journey Yuuya has made several allies. They are the new Kamen Riders and the girls use their song to activate a weapon called the Symphogear. However, nothing was easy when the humanity of the world Yuuya came to was going through the test of Helheim Forest. Will Yuuya and his friends be able to protect humanity and overcome the challenge of Helheim Forest? And in the end, who will get the Golden Fruit?