"Is it too late for us, Helion?" She asked sadly, hands braced on the railing. "Have we missed our chance?"
"The Mother wouldn't have sent you to me if we had." He said solemnly, winding one of her scarlett ringlets around his finger. "It would seem she believes in second chances."
"Do you?" She whispered, turning to meet his golden gaze. Blue met amber, and the wind whipping around the veranda seemed to halt to hear the exchange. "Believe in second chances?"
"I don't put my faith in chances." She half expected him to smirk. To make some unserious remark to lift the weight off their conversation. He did neither.
"Then what do you put your faith in?" She pressed, looking away as he stepped closer, breath ghosting over her face.
He lifted a hand to her face, turning it with the warmth of his finger, forcing her to meet his eyes once more.
"You." He rasped, eyes tracing over every curve of her face. "I've always put my faith in you."
"With the Lady of Autumn with Helion, we may not need Beron's treaty. He would be obsolete."
"You think she's that much of a threat?"
"Did you ever wonder why my father married a common-born female?" Lucien raised a brow. "Beron may hold the title of High Lord. But my brothers and I know our Mother was always the one who belonged to the flames."