Briar 'Thorn' Isley, a Sporeling created by Pamela Isley, Poison Ivy, when she decided to combine human DNA with plant DNA, possesses abilities like her adoptive mother. Although this may seem to be a gift, she was taken away from her family by The Organisation and now serves as a tool for Dr. Adamson. Briar has never experienced freedom in the true world after spending seventeen years of her life trapped. But the day finally comes when Dick Grayson (Robin) and Jason Todd (Robin 2.0) decide to have a word with her captivator. Being free was the only thing Briar cared about but now she isn't so sure about what to do next with her life. She takes the opportunity to tag along with the Titans, excited for what comes next in her life and meeting new people. She grows close to one Titan in particular, Jason Todd. Who knows where their relationship might lead to. ----- Jason Todd x femaleoc Trigger Warnings/Content Warnings: violence, abuse, abduction, trauma, curses/swears, disturbing scenes (with visuals in images), mature/sexual scenes. This is a Titans fan fiction based on the Netflix and HBO Max series. I do not own the plot. I do not own the characters. The main character Briar is taken from DC Comics 'Thorn' as reference. Start date: April 2023 Finish date:All Rights Reserved