"we don't know who'll die and who'll live suhyeok, so maybe-"
"maybe i should've told you how much i loved you earlier on chaeyoung"
"and maybe we would've had a chance together"
Lee Chaeyoung, Lee Cheongsans younger twin sister, is unlike her brother. Her brother is very outgoing, and very talkative to everyone he meets, and is a huge social butterfly. Chaeyoung on the other hand always studies, quiet, barely socializes (not even with her brother's friends), and has one girl she sticks by, Jung Eunchae.
A zombie virus has broken out at her school, she is near death until Lee Suhyeok, her brother's close friend saves her. She has had feelings for him for a while, but during their time together, their love for each other only gets stronger.
As she fights with her friends, she learns the importance of not only surviving for yourself, but for everyone who loves you as well. Her definition of 'living' changes. She also thinks about all the 'maybes' they could've had, had it not been for this apocalypse.
Cheong-san thought he was going to die. But Gwi-Nam had swooped in out of nowhere and saved him from certain death. And now the two of them are going to escape to safety..together.
I wrote it after a scene in We're All Dead got my attention, you know when Gwi-Nam is chasing Cheong-san? It made me think "oh hey, what if they were surviving together?" and then the idea intrigued me- so yeah