In this story, we follow a man named Franklin Blaze who is a normal citizen in gotham city that lives with his parents. After learning that his parents have a terminal illness, he wishes that he could find a way to help them. Then that night, the devil Mephisto appears before him and offers that he will cure his parents in return for his soul. Not knowing what that meant but really wanted his parents cured, Franklin takes the deal and wakes up the next morning to find his parents dead. Running away, he realizes that the deal has changed him into the ghost rider. After years of hiding, Franklin returns to Gotham to rid the city of crime but one hero team doesn't agree with his methods. Acts (so far): Act 1: The Ghost Rider (Completed) Act 2: Ghost Rider and the League of Assassins (In Progress) Act 3: Injustice (Incomplete) Act 4: War of Gotham and Metropolis (Incomplete) Act 5: Injustice 2 (Incomplete) Act 6: A Search within the Universe (Incomplete) Act 7: The Justice League's Fall (Incomplete) (More arcs to be added in the future)All Rights Reserved