With each turn of the page, "Whispers of the Heart: A Collection of Poems" takes readers on a poetic journey, painting a rich tapestry of emotions through carefully crafted words and vivid imagery. Whether you are a seasoned poetry lover or new to the genre, this collection will captivate your heart and leave you with a renewed appreciation for the power of language to convey the depths of the human soul.
From the quiet whispers of love's first bloom to the echoes of heartbreak, these poems are a reflection of the complexities of human emotions, exploring themes of relationships, self-discovery, nature, and the passage of time. The collection invites readers to embark on a heartfelt exploration of the human condition, evoking emotions that resonate with the reader's own experiences and emotions.
Putting poetry and prose on a glasses,
A time passes,
The scar built gashes,
a sake of my health drew ashes,
This poetry talks about the glasses, and my Cancer journey.