MJ, Alexis, and Koza were all best friends. Koza told us all about Princess Vivi and the King and how he came up with Yuba. Yuba is where we all live, it's a wonderful home. Small but big in other ways. But it's been 9 years since Yuba was a beautiful oasis though. All that remains is me, Alexis, and Koza's father Toto. The citizens all left after the sandstorm. But I couldn't leave my best friend's father all alone to die. We've been helping him find water. It's not easy but I'd do anything to help Toto. This story will not be exactly like the original story of Alabasta and for that I apologize but it just works with what I'm writing. If you don't like it don't read it. But I do hope you enjoy.All Rights Reserved