60 parts Complete MatureThe story revolves around Ved Maheshwari, the second heir of the Maheshwari conglomerate, and Rooh Sehgal, the oldest daughter of the Mittal family. Ved, with his sarcastic and workaholic personality, clashes with Rooh, who is savage and caring. As they navigate their complex family dynamics and personal beliefs, including Ved's aversion to marriages and Rooh's belief in love and commitment, their paths intertwine
Will they find common ground and overcome their differences?
Join them on this journey filled with romance, family bonds, and personal growth."
Story consist full of
•office drama👩🏼💻👨🏻💻
•hate-to-love 👎👍
•family drama👨👩👧👦
• twist and turns 🔀↪️
•emotional rollar coster ride🤯🎢
_hope you give 💕 and support to this story_