5 girls suffering from temporary amnesia, gather into a somewhat ancient ivy-covered mansion and choose to take cover inside away from all of the howling sounds and the cold chill in the air. Once inside as they walked deeper into the mansion, they quickly got the impression that the mansion had more than just an eerie atmosphere and a lot more unexplained things might be happening here, seeing for themselves that the mansion was unabashedly haunted.
As more and more ghosts appear and significantly more make their attempts to scare them away (and possibly to their deaths) it comes as a shock to them all that instead of terrified screaming girls, the ghosts are met with amusement, anger, laughter, curiosity, and what looked like pure boredom from the young ladies. None of the spirits could understand this situation they were in, no matter how many of the living came in (whether by accident, or by choice as a sort of test of courage) they were always able to get rid of them one way or another. Such intriguing creatures had to be kept inside, such girls must have such raw power to withstand so many attacks on their sanity let alone their lives and that was when the 5 most powerful female ghosts appeared. There was Constance Hatchway, Madame Leota (in crystal ball form of course), Sally Slater, April to December, and Hippolyta the Werecat Lady. Something else attracted the 5 ghosts to the 5 girls, their ethereal auras. Although called ethereal auras they were more like the deadly sins each girl seemed to inhabit an aura what made it unique was that they all had a possibility of controlling such auras being able to use the powers as if like magic, unknowing knowledge to said girls. After that the Phantom Occupiers, ( the five ghosts), chose which girls would they take under there semi-metaphorical wings.