Plot: Taehyung, aged 28, has gained significant success as a thriller and drama writer.
Jimin, on the other hand, is an aspiring romance writer, fervently searching for a unique style and voice that will distinguish him in the literary world.
One fateful day, Jimin discovers that the renowned horror author is in search of a new beta reader to review his yet-to-be-published scripts.
Encouraged by a friend, Jimin decides to submit his résumé without anticipating a response.
To his astonishment, a few days later, he receives an email from Taehyung's assistant, confirming his acceptance for the role.
Not only does this position offer an attractive salary, but it also grants Jimin access to the writing expertise of a successful author and guidance for his own projects, paving the way for a promising future.
What Jimin hadn't foreseen, however, was how challenging his life would soon become.