In ancient times, there was a giant demonic monster named CLAWS, and it was summoned through ritualistic sacrifice. When a cult summoned him, he told them that on the year 1999, the world would end and he would return to carry out Armageddon. Thousands of years later, in 1999, keeps his promise and returns on the night of January 31st, 1999, and goes on a rampage, destroying everyone and killing everything in his path. Meanwhile, Japanese scientists are trying to figure out a way to communicate to him, and end up building a machine that lets them speak to him.
After aliens invaded the earth, an all-out war begin with the human winning the war after decades for fighting but with the cost of the very earth itself that they fought so hard for. With nowhere else to go the remaining 20% of earth population, using the remaining advance alien tech left behind from the war. They built three massive city size spaceships call "Armageddons". The surviving humam escape into the vast universe in order to find a new planet to live on. but with the deepest dept of space fill with dangers such as: space pirates and much more. A special force is trained to help combat these threats from the universe itself and protect their one and only home until the time comes when they find new home.