Judy London meets Chase Summers in her house when her dad invites him to live there with them for a couple of months. Chase, a playboy loves to tease Judy, and Judy a simple girl with a simple life, despises him. After a few weeks of getting to know each other, Chase learns to be independent and live the life a person is supposed to do. When it is time for Chase to go home, Judy discovers his love for her secretly and urged him to stay with them for the rest of their lives. Will Chase agree to stay with Judy forever? Even if it meant, living away from his parents?
I'm Sucker for Enemies and Lovers trope especially They dont become Lovers not yet But they become sort of friends in a way
It's like a slow burn or something
But I hardly know how to Write that
So It depends what Direction with How I go with it But its not automatic with the romance
Also Please let me know If I should do more Jiara Fanfics Because I noticed as Soon I written them
The engagement for it is going quick Thank you guys so much for making that happen
Good to know that My work is appreciated Let me know any questions that you guys have
I would love to answer them
Feel Free to also correct My Grammar English Isn't my first Language So I apologize for that
Kiara got out of a messy Breakup She was ready to move on with her life and Go to College to be Roommates with The Guy who has a bad reputation
Who is known to be trouble but what happens She has to be stuck sharing a room with him
Will She Fall for Him?
Will He fall for her?
Is She gonna use him to get back with her Ex or Will she just end up falling for Him?
What happens when she find about his past or about what he hides behind closed doors?