24 Partes Concluida Contenido adultoEleanor Morgan was a young girl with much potential, but that changed after a night out with her friends. At the young age of sixteen, Eleanor became a mother. Eleanor's parents kicked her out the moment she had told them she was pregnant, which was terrible for the girl. When she was around four months pregnant, she was found by Steve Rogers when the man was out buying food for the team for the night.
Steve brought Eleanor back with him, and introduced her to the rest of the Avengers. Steve became the father figure Eleanor had always needed, even before she was pregnant. Eleanor became best friends with Wanda Maximoff, and she completed the rest of her schooling online with the help of Tony Stark.
Fast forward a year and a half, Eleanor was comfortable living with the Avengers, though she still hadn't met all of them. When their lives are threatened, she is given the chance to meet the rest of the Avengers, including a boy close to her age named Peter Parker. Peter was shocked to see the girl when he arrived, but he knew a friendship would progress nonetheless. Nobody seen what was actually coming next...