In "The Marked Eggs", we follow the story of Vittoria, a strong-willed woman who comes from a family entrenched in the Italian mafia. When her brother and his fellow mysterious friend, Nicolo, seek her help to locate three Fabergé eggs with specific markings, Vittoria knows the stakes are high. These eggs hold the key to unlocking the secrets of all powerful mafia organizations. As Vittoria embarks on this dangerous mission, she must navigate the treacherous world of the Italian mafia, all while trying to keep her own secrets hidden and keeping her distance from the mysterious mafia boss entangled in her brother's mess. As Vittoria and her companions journey through New York City, Italy, and beyond, they encounter unexpected allies and adversaries, putting their loyalty and trust to the test. With each step closer to the eggs, Vittoria begins to uncover shocking truths about her family and the mafia organization she has always known. "The Marked Eggs" is a gripping tale of family loyalty, dangerous alliances, and the power of secrets. With a strong and determined protagonist at its core, this book will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.All Rights Reserved
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