Set in the popular Spanish seaside resort of Benidorm, this comedy series follows a group of British holidaymakers as they soak up the sun and spend their hard-earned cash on the Mediterranean coast. Staying at the Solana, a selection of guests including couples and young families make the most of their time abroad, as they relax by the hotel's swimming pool and enjoy meals and evening entertainment in the resident restaurant and bar. Everything doesn't always go to plan however, with hilarity awaiting around every corner. Meet Sebastian Whitlock, Felix Whiticker and Ash Miller. Three Bestfriends on holiday together but Sebastian's boyfriend is there with his family so it's not really just them but they don't mind. Felix and Ash meet certain people who make them fall in love as well and then they realise what Sebastian feels ever time he sees his boyfriend. Although not everything is sunshine and rainbows whilst on holiday and what Felix and Ash alongside Sebastian's and Felix's boyfriends families find out is far from sunshine and rainbows. -------------------------------------------------- Sebastian - "Holy shit... that's hot!" Felix - "Hell yeah it is!" Ash - "Weirdos, it's literally your boyfriends getting out of the pool..." -------------------------------------------------- Started ~ 25/04/2023 Finished ~ ??/??/????All Rights Reserved