Do you know how difficult it is to be the only person in your surrounding environment who doesn't like the colour pink? Especially if you are a girl which is just the case here. God believe me you have no idea until you start hating it. So welcome to my sweet life. My name is Eliza Katerina Van Der Woodsen and this my story: It all started back to when I was at kindergarten. I was playing with my legos quietly without bothering anyone and then all of sudden I was interrupted. Some girls, which I have never noticed or talked before stood in front of me. They asked my name and sat down to play with me. We were happily playing until the blonde one asked me which colour was my favourite...and BOOM that's how I became an outcast and everyone's laughing stock as I said blue instead of pink that I should have said according to them. So what? I am a girl and I don't like pink, what's so hard to understand?All Rights Reserved