As the German pre-dreadnought battleship Schleswig-Holstein fired the first shots of WWII, a mysterious noxious mist descended upon the seas, disabling ships and crews around the world, and choking out many coastal cities. From this mist emerged a vast and terrifying fleet of warships helmed by strange mechanical women dubbed the "Morgana", who swiftly proceeded to mercilessly attack anything, and anyone caught within the mist. Even those ships that were able to fight back found themselves outmatched by the new threat.
But not a moment too soon, mysterious women known as "Belles" manifested aboard many warships and were able to ward their crews against this threat, protecting them from the Morgana mist and bolstering their ships' capabilities to match the Morgana themselves in battle.
With the naval war cut off before it could even really begin, the League of Nations held an emergency meeting to establish the International Naval Protection Force (INPF), organizing the Belles of all fleets into a neutral force that would protect all of humanity against the Morgana. However, with humanity continuing to war among itself even in the face of a greater threat, only time will tell how long this arrangement holds.
In the island nation of the east, a modern, militarized Japan seized control of Taiwan, Korea, and the nearest chunk of the Sakhalin archipelago - and now Manchuria. They mean to keep Asia in Asian hands, beating foreign imperialists - and Morganas - at their own game.
This is a story of a female naval captain who just began her active duty in the Imperial Japanese Navy and her relationship with the Belles.
Victory Belles is a free-to-play iOS/Android turn-based Role-Playing Game set during World War II, all events in this book are based on the Weekly results of The War metagame (
Off the coast of Germany, three kansen sisters sailed in the darkness of the night. All three of them struck with curiosity.
Following the trail of anomalous signals, they encountered something - unusual. Something that was not supposed to be there. Something seemingly defying all logic.
Among the three sisters, one of them was especially affected by the sheer wonder the anomaly seemed to emanate.
Anti-Aircraft frigate FGS Hessen, the third and final ship of the Sachsen-class, is among the most advanced kansen the German Navy has to offer. And yet, her curiosity proved to be her mistake.
Accidentally getting too close for comfort to the anomaly, she was subsequently pulled in - resulting in her getting separated from her sisters and stranded in a seemingly familiar, but still foreign world - the world of Azur Lane.
Stranded in a world where the concepts of modern naval warfare have been turned upside down, will she adapt by utilizing her technological advantage to the fullest and perhaps find a way home -
Or will she sink to the bottom of the ocean, forever abandoned in a world not her own?
This story has been written as a first-timer in the huge domain that is story writing. As such, expect amateur/beginner-typical mistakes in plot and writing, as I still have much to learn/perfect.
Update: Greetings! If you read this, it means the story has been completed. In the future, if I have the time, I will use what I have learned to rewrite this story in order to eliminate grammar mistakes, correct (but not completely change) a few plot elements, and completely annihilate all parts where 'script format' is used. It will just be a general cleanup of my writing.
Azur Lane belongs to Manjuu.