In the vibrant city of Los Angeles, Kiara Reed, a passionate reader of romance novels and a talented dancer, embarks on a new chapter of her life after her family's recent move. Adjusting to her new surroundings, Kiara unexpectedly encounters a group of guys at a local store, only to later discover that they attend her new school.
Amid the excitement of settling into her new life, Kiara finds herself drawn to Grayson Taylor, the charismatic and respected seventeen-year-old captain of the football team. Despite his role as the quarterback and the son of the school principal, Grayson has closed himself off to dating. However, from the moment he lays eyes on Kiara, an unexplainable feeling stirs within him, suggesting that she is someone special.
As Kiara navigates the challenges of a new school and forms bonds with her peers, she discovers unexpected emotions blossoming for Grayson. Meanwhile, Grayson grapples with the unfamiliar sensation of longing for someone despite his reluctance to pursue relationships.
In the backdrop of Los Angeles, Kiara and Grayson's lives intertwine, offering them both opportunities for growth, friendship, and the possibility of love. Together, they embark on a journey of self-discovery and connection, uncovering the mysteries of the heart and exploring the profound impact of unexpected encounters. As they navigate the highs and lows of teenage life, Kiara and Grayson learn valuable lessons about love, resilience, and the transformative power of opening oneself up to new experiences and emotions.
Jane Grayson is a ballerina whose beauty and talent have been recognized far and wide, she won many awards globally but finally decided to settle down and try to experience a normal highschool life. Except, she was put in a class of people two years older than her due to her intelligence.
Ethan Jameson is a straight-A student, ruthless, popular, a renowned bad boy and you guessed it, extremely attractive.
However, Jane isn't your typical good girl, and Ethan isn't your typical bad boy, and there's more to both of them than what meets the eye, so how will they inevitably change each others lives?
||this is my very first novel/story to ever see the light so please bear with me... If you spot any mistakes please tell me in the comments! I hope you enjoy this book||