"Aku Kahar, kapla high council." Everyone thought I was a big bully who was spoiled at home. But no one really cares about me, and I hate it. Desperate to be someone, I did everything I could. Including becoming a kapla. Getting the power and my father's affirmation that I craved badly. The power slowly changed me. It turned me evil. Now that I had lost everything, realization hit me hard. I hurt many people for power, only to end up ruining it all. It's funny how things turn out. At the end, Im just a useless person who wastes someone's life for nothing. Ayah... When will he finally be able to see me? Why am I never enough for him? Naim, I thought I could trust you. You are the only person who deserves to be the next Kapla. Fakhri, kau memang dah melampau. Aku kau dah cabar, kau cabar cara hidup kat sini... Kau cabar satu batch form 5! Disclaimer: All the characters rightfully belong to the producers of Projek High Council except for a few original characters of mine. This story is inspired by a few stories written about Kahar's past and suffering.