There a sans named "None" He was soo scared and nothing To Do so he decide to sit in the corner until a sciene came.."Uhh hey!- g-get Away from me.." The sciene says.."Whats the matter kiddo? Come with us We will not harm you.." They use a smirk Evil smile and None sans Didn't trust it And the Sciene Begin to take None hand Very hard Because he didn't listen None begin to cry saying "Let go!!" but the Sciene didn't care They grab none and Start to Experimental Him None was scared and then..Later...he was scared and sit in the corner again.. saying.. "When will i escape?.. Where the exit.." He trying To. escape But there aren't Open he Realised its Locked.. And none was scared the Sciene migh Hurt him so he decide to come back to hes place.. And Sit.. And scared.. He then.. Begins to Think how to escape and he has an idea later in the midnight he Sneaks to the lab to take the key when the sciene is Sleeping and he open the door and escape.. Later He begins to Teleport to a. Multiverse thats seems familiar to Him, He then recognise this Place it was "Nonetale" He then Feels home and sit and play. and spawn a Dummy and Training Later when he grow up he started to have fun More and more And having fun. Being alone He really wanted a friend But he can't Because he don't wanna disrub Other multiverse And He started to Chill more and more He realises he can spawn food too He was soo dumb and he spawn a food.. Its a human blood. He drink it because its he's favorites Drink Later He decided To explore everything In hes Multiverse "Nonetale" And having fun Later..Hes Soo bored and tired And he begins to sleep..But then He realised He is Lonely And he started to make a friend by spawning a dummy it was hilarious But he ingore it and plays with the dummy He make a style of clothes in the dummy playing but he was Worried Because something bad migh happen and He sit alone in the dark corner And sad because He is Lonely he decide to teleport to make friends in other multiverse..All Rights Reserved