Set in the early 21st century, this story follows Arya Slate, a girl trapped in her own sex, disappointing her family's expectations with dreams of being a strong, fierce Slate like her brother Rob, instead of a princess like her sister Susan. Now, Arya is 17 and almost ready to leave high school, when she finds out her parents have been murdered in a crude business deal, while her siblings have been kidnapped, if not killed already. Arya must find a way to hide her identity as she runs from upscale New York City, to the Lower West side, going by the name Aaron. There, she meets Drew (Gendry). Very attractive Drew, who lends her a hand in hiding who she is. Drew teaches her to fight, which makes her realize just how fierce and strong she is. But can she use these skills to avenge her family? Or will she settle into this new identity?
Jade is a 15 year old girl. She is different from everyone in her pack. Because her eyes are multicolored she's bullied because no one has ever seen her shift into her wolf she's bullied. She lives with her abusive father who blames her for everything bad that happens. She is in total hell. All she wants now is her mate. When she does find her mate who's the soon to be alpha of the Moon pack he rejects her.
Broken in more ways than one she runs away to try and start new. She ran into the most powerful pack of them all the Red dawn pack. They take her into their pack and discover that she's not just a wolf but a hybrid. Two years passed and now she has to return to help her old pack. How will things turn out when Jade goes back home stronger and more confident than before.
Cover created by; rosc-pctal