Ellion is a young man who finds himself thrust into a world of mystery and danger when he is introduced to a revolutionary group led by Ivory on Vanity Island, a collection of 4 small islands, with Vanity being the largest one. Their mission is to ignite a revolution against their oppressive government and the Union States of Columbia, whose control over the island has left it in a state of poverty. What makes the group unique is that they possess cells known as Clemons Cells which grant the members incredible abilities, a dangerous advantage. However, these abilities come with a dark secret. As they delve deeper into their mission, the true cost of their powers slowly reveals itself, leaving them to question if the price is worth the power.
The story is structured into four (4) Acts, each concise, action-packed, and easy to follow. Every Act presents a unique plot and problem, which is resolved in its final chapter while simultaneously enriching the main narrative. The Acts not only expand the story but also offer natural pause points, making it easy for readers to take breaks and quickly pick up where they left off.
- Some chapters have images to give an idea of the settings of the story or the island. (ALL IMAGES GIVE AN IMPRESSION OF WHAT THEY DESCRIBE, CHARACTERS AND SETTINGS DO NOT NECESSARILY LOOK AS THEY APPEAR IN MOST IMAGES)
- A few words are in italics, which means they are in Spanish. (Just a few words, everything is written in English)
Highest Ranking- 290 in Action, 547 in Superpowers, 185 in Super
These best friends are inseparable, they always work together on their class projects, and they're very outgoing. Their sophomore year is just about to start and they decided to go shopping for new clothes for school and end up going into a magical store that they think is a 100% normal store. In this particular store, they each find a beautiful necklace that they think represents their personality. But what they don't know is that they actually just picked up an incredible, hard responsibility to handle. There are five different elements, death, fire, water, air, and life. Who will be there to help them on their journey? Or will they just have to tackle this on their own? Will they be able to rise to the responsibility? Or will they just crash and burn?