There were a lot of things in the world Primrose Everdeen didn't understand. One of those being undying devotion. She didn't quite get her older sister's never-ending dedication to keep their broken family afloat, when it wasn't her responsibility. She couldn't wrap her head around her mother's love for her father, even after he was long gone, buried six feet under. But she always just supposed she didn't need to understand it. It was just the way things were, and she wasn't any different. That's why on the day of the reaping, when Effie Trinket dipped her pale, bony hand into a bowl of folded names, and chirped out a single name, Primrose didn't cry out or make a scene. Instead, she squared her shoulders, desperately shouted a few words that were the bravest she had ever uttered in her entire existence, and walked up to the stage. Though her face was free of tears, her heart was breaking and her mind wasn't doing any better. ❀❀❀ Disclaimer: This story contains characters from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, and are in no way mine. "Prim", however, was written 100% by myself and is mine.All Rights Reserved
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