In the city of Aizawl, two individuals from different backgrounds found themselves rising together during their Pre-University (PUC). Their love story takes a heartbreaking turn when his jealous gay friend circulates a rumor, attempting to interfere in their budding romance.
Despite their shared origins in Aizawl, her love becomes an unrequited longing. His shy and reclusive nature, compounded by tragic incidents, thwarts her attempts at connection. Perplexingly, she struggles to comprehend his gesture of acceptance, leaving their relationship in a prolonged state of oblivion.
Undeterred by time and physical separation for higher education, her tenacity refuses to wane. However, her naivety hinders her from deciphering his clues, especially as he descends into severe addiction following his mother's demise.
As they pursue separate paths in the South, life takes its toll on both. Divine forces seem to intervene, preventing their meetings in one place. The unease in his mind compels him to reveal his hidden love and propose marriage after a long, tumultuous journey.
Yet, every attempt at union is thwarted, leaving them in perpetual separation. The narrative takes a poignant turn as he begins to share his feelings and long-buried secrets post-marriage. A revelation of life's unkindness unfolds, leading to a point where they express profound regret.
This tragic love story, which commenced with passion, concludes with the transformation of love into enduring friendship. Upon finishing the book, readers may find themselves pondering whether these protagonists will forever remain as incomplete stories, waiting for the closure they once yearned for.
Riverfield, a beautiful town by the ocean, is home to the prestigious Decelis Academy.
It's also home to seven boys with a secret: they may simply seem like players of the famous sport, Nightball, but they're actually vampires.
To escape from their dark past, they try to lead normal lives as students - other than the occasional hitch since their rival Nightball team happens to be made up of werewolves. But in the end, these seven friends always find strength in each other.
Until one day, a new transfer student with curious strength causes the boys' forgotten past to slowly unravel.
Original story: HYBE